- Day 7 -

Support stuff waiting to pass water to Sakurai. Wet and hot....Kaname pushes to the East. The support staff are busy again.

Time station No.37 is 1884.06 miles from the Start. It is outside of the town of Subiako. For a change, a crew member makes cooks a ham steak to feed the team. When Sakurai and pace car arrive they quickly get into the car. The pace car's crew trade places with the support car staff. They check the route, shop for equipment or food, and drive ahead to reserve motel rooms. Then they can sleep between their jobs. This work makes the race tough for crew members too.

After this time station, they run through the night. Sakurai's conditon was good enough to push further into the race without a few hours sleep. Another motel stop is not used. When he rests, his race position suffers. But he will have to rest to finish. Top bicyclist is now about about 24 hours ahead. Now, less than 1,000 miles to go. What's his position? Let's see...after couple of days...he is now in 9th place.

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