RAAM 1996
- Day 10 -

Sakurai did not stop at a motel for any bed rest last night. In order to finish, he only took a little rest at the roadside. Racer Daniel Chew finished on the 9th day at 7:44pm. His time was 8 days 7 hours 14 minutes. So, stop watch has been startd like counting down the time limit for finish (48 hours), now.
Sakurai is shown here riding with less than 200 miles to finish. Neck cramps have spread pain to back and hip - affecting his riding style as shown. Saddle was a big problem this year.
View from the course has not changed much since Arkansas. The road seems to roll up and down infinitely. (DC-1)

The town's look just like the landscape. From Mississippi to Georgia, the architecture is the same. Everything about landscape and towns seem the same. How many times have we passed through here? Each new view comes up the same as the last - a deja vue. (DC-2)

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