After a year

-Temporary Rooms- 3 Jan., 1996
This is not a prison camp. This is one example of temporary rooms that were made for victims who lost homes. As you know by the data page, 47,000 families are now living in rooms like these here. Tight, cold in winter and hot in summer. Because these rooms have thin walls and single roof or floor panels (Tatami=Japanese floor). All of these kind of homes are placed within a distance from where their original home was. They want to save money for building their next home. The City of Kobe or Hyogo Prefecture does not support power or water fees to them. City adapted air-conditioning to their rooms but their rooms can not warm (or cool down) enough by electric power because no insulation in walls, floors or ceilings. So they are losing money for power fees in winter. Even in summer, inside will be over 70 degrees centigrade because of single roof. Again, this is not a prison camp.


PS: At Jun 1998, still more than 15,000 families are living in these temporary rooms.
Government slowly decided to give the help money EXCEPT people who living in this temporary rooms.

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