The MARS -at the maximum closer day-
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Mars 03/09/16 Broken DD-1 controller and bad weather was the fault. It was hard to continue to seeing Mars. However, I spent two nights with Minolta's new digital camera A1 as test report for one of the Japanese computer magazine. After that magazine will be published, I will announce the URL to see these pictures. Just short report here. The A1 is good camera to take pictures except deep sky. Because cuts infrared out so much. |
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Mars 03/09/04 Weather is so bad to see the planet with long focus. Looks like absolute looking the light from the bottom of the pool through the water. The picture left is the only one which could see as so-so. After several of shots, DD-1 controller has been broken then I switched to the TV-85. By the Sky Sensor 2000PC's auto guide, Pleades was so beautiful.
Maybe good weather? No. It's high cloudy. Exposure Value is one step lower then could use only 1/8 second. Moreover, deep cloud comes up next and next. So took at between cloud and cloud. However, just only made possible to use the 1/8 by little bit fewer scintillation than yesterday.
When the angle of elevation up then better to take picture, cloud comes up. But I feel "maybe I have to keep this one anyway" when the telescope already settled up. After start to shooting, then I want do something to make it better. At this night, less than 1/15 shutter speed makes blurring because so much scintillation like diameter changes. Even focusing is difficult. By the way, can't you see this surface like cartoon face? |
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Mars 03/08/21~25 E5000's repair has up when I'm ready to use E4500. Both E4500 or E5000 has different tuning so result is different. I took so much shots so puzzled which one is the best. Picture left took at 25th. Four of other below is 21 to 24 with puzzling the shooting data for E5000. Difference is few and dependant on which one you like. The left below (small one) is, I saw the TV News program which publish the view by Subaru telescope in Hawaii and picked up the similar one. At this time, pictures by TV85 is also availabe. |
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This one is the best shot of the Mars by E4500. Made up 1280x1024 to use this as wallpaper if you like. I could feel Mars is so close. Any geographical features shown clearly. One Point
Hint -You can take it, too!! |
It was rain, rain and rain or cloudy day and day. The weather chart shows "it is still rain season" but weather service announced "it has been over". Can not forget to see the Mars at this chance even weather is not best condition. So, at this night, seeing was not good enough but anyway I bring telescope out and settled. F4 telescope is so bright then patterns are better to see to my eyes even looking Mars behind of the cloud. At shoot the Mars, using tungsten mode for the color setting. This mean 3200digrees Kelvin. As the result, the pictures until August 6 was so red and now it looks near with the pictures which by ToUcam or any other Video cameras. I used 1.4X digital zoom for this one. Because if make the image more larger, the lens's polish traces comes up. This picture composite at Stella Image 4 and used Richardson-Lucy Algorithm filter. It makes surface smooth. After the job on the Stella Image, bring image in to the Photoshop then adjust the each RGB image size and move each layer to fit the image. I'm very sure you can take the picture like this, too. |
To composite the pictures on Stellaimage4, usually I was using the addition as average. At this one, I'm used addition because tungsten mode gives more contrast (detail has gone when used daylight). Result above looks good isn't it? By the way, can you see the human face on the Mars picture above? (Shadow looks like face) |
Why I'm keeping to use digital still camera when people like to use the video like ToUcam? Because ; 1. I am a still photographer 2. Small resolution does not satisfaction me for what I want to use (like printed out or use as wallpaper, background of 3D graphics etc..). So, at that night - 5th to 6th - was little bit better seeing and I could get enough material so I made it up larger as above. When you printed it out, maybe you will see them as pin-up on the wall but not try to see the fine detail right? If I use the effect like unsharp on Photoshop, it is possible to pull out the detail like above left. But for larger resolution, it's too noisy. So the larger one's effect is more lighter. If you want to use this as wallpaper, please resize this. At the other way around, if I reduce the resolution to the video size like VGA, digital camera has possibility to get the planet picture good enough. We can see Phillips ToUcam web cam's result anywhere on the W.W.W.. ToUcam needs 1000 material shots to composite. However, at digital camera, we need only 100 because each shot's quality is so high doesn't it??? The composite tool software Registax gives me the error then could not merged the pictures which took by digicam. However, if Regisitax accepts larger resolution materials by digicam?? Who knows the result. |
Arranged with simulation picture made by Kasei-Kurukuru (by Astro Arts). My Nikon E5000 is not only for the space view pictures but also using to the daily job. 12bit RAW mode gives me enough quality to make up the pictures as by professional. (and Web pages are not necessary so large pixels format) However, at this moment, that camera has been broken because using too much. So, I sent E5000 to repair and now I have the E4500 as a spare. Why 4500? Because any accessories are exchangeable. The picture above has taken by the E4500. Weather was not good (cloudy) then I could shoot only 37 shots to composite. As the counter operation to the atmosphere color aberration, moved each RGB layer at Photoshop 8bit mode. Boy, this surface of the Mars looks like bird's eye on the brier smoking pipe isn't it!? |
Actually I was stacked on the tuning of the Newtonian to make it optically correct. Could not get good picture and weather was so bad because rain season (monsoon). So I wasted a month. Finally got a good tuning then made this one, finally. Not bad, right?
Also changed the German Equalize Mount from GP to GPD-PC. However, Sky Sensor 2000PC's motor is easily stop after in use an hour and half. So, I've changed Sky Sensor to the current DD-1/MT-1 unit. The 300mm Newtonian working on the GPD (which one of the small mount)!! Mean Orion is so light weight as that size. |
It is so far and small yet. Can't wait the big event then kept my eyes open until four a.m.. Large diameter telescope gives brightness then possible to shoot at high speed shutter. Mars looks so bad because low angle of elevation but the high speed shutter makes better view on picture. |
Copyright © Daisuke Tomiyasu 2001-2003